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Thousands of children + hundreds of teachers + dozens of schools + countless hours of research + the heart of a mom = 
one simple framework

Your Child's Reading Roadmap

Who is this for?

This is for parents and families who want to unlock their child's full potential by creating a foundation for reading in less than fifteen minutes a day.


Learning to read is challenging, sequential, and multifaceted but it does not need to be complicated. 
This is the only course you need to turn yourself into your child's personal
literacy expert.  


  • Courses are built through self-paced modules that you can progress through based on your family's schedule.

  • Each course includes a framework centered around evidence-based strategies and proven scientific research. Each course will cover:

    • Brain Science​

    • The Components of Reading

    • The Sequential Skills Necessary for Reading

    • How Words are Stored 

    • Specific, Evidence-Based, Simple Activities to Do As A Family

    • Potential "Problem Areas" to Watch Out For

  • Your child and your family are unique and the strategies and activities in this framework are adaptable to meet the ever-changing needs of young families.

  • All activities and strategies can be incorporated into your schedule in 5-15 minutes a day.

Did you know?

  • We are not genetically born with a "Reading Brain" - it must be created

  • By age 2, a child's brain is as active as an adult's brain, by age 3, a child's brain is twice as active as an adult brain

  • Newborns make over a million brain connections per second

  • The same areas of the brain light up whether we are reading or being read to

  • Learning to read too early can actually be counterproductive (yes, there is a sweet spot)

  • Oral language, vocabulary, and phonemic proficiency are the top indicators of reading readiness

  • 67% of 4th graders read BELOW grade level - you read that correctly - almost 70% of children in the US are not reading proficiently

  • 1 in 5 students is estimated to have Dyslexia

  • We learn to read by first learning speech

  • When comparing brain activity of a skilled reader (while reading) compared with a two month old baby who is being spoken to by a loved one, identical areas of the brain light up

  • The part of our brain that recognizes letters is originally wired to recognize faces

  • Skilled readers are left-brain readers

The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever.
Deuteronomy 29:29

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Bring Shannon to your church, school or community.

10% of all sales/income go towards serving children worldwide in the form of building schools, providing clean water, providing education, and  fighting against human trafficking.
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