Literacy Acquisition is challenging but not complicated. I'm here to simplify the research and strategies so that you can focus on your family.
Let me introduce myself...
I'm so excited that you are here. I'm Shannon Dodd I am an educator who is passionate about literacy and believes everyone has the capacity for language and literacy acquisition.
Research has proven that while language is acquired naturally beginning at birth, literacy (reading and writing) must be taught. Becoming a reader and a writer combines an integrated balance of both skill and thought. These skills must be taught sequentially and systematically.
In addition to nerding out about reading and brain science, I get even more excited about my people. My husband, Larry, is absolutely the smartest person I know. He's also one of my biggest cheerleaders. The other two on the cheer squad are my kids, Brett and Bailey. They are living proof of God's grace in my life and they both inspire me every day while I watch them live out God's plans for them.
I want to partner with you so that we can move your kiddos into all the fullness God has planned for them. How do I know that reading is a part of His plans for them? Because of His Word. It is the primary way He communicates with us. I love Deuteronomy 29:29 "The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever." I want to unlock that for your children.
I am here to simplify this process, reduce the overwhelm, and bring back a love of reading for parents and their children.
Until everyone can read,
- Shannon
A Couple of Freebies to Get You and Your Child Started
Booklist for Read Alouds
These are Shannon's favorite books to read to kiddos.

I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.